Lights up on a dormitory common area filled with students partying like it's 1996. The boombox in the middle of the stage elevates over the crowd and Britney Spear's "Hold it against me" begins blaring. There's an ASIAN GIRL noticeably dancing more "provocatively" than everyone else and she stands out from the rest of the crowd. The lights dim and a spot light comes up on ONDY who is haunched over in the opposite corner still typing frantically on his laptop. Everyone freezes except ONDY. He stops and looks up as the sound of an airplane flying overhead goes by. The music reconvenes except now it's Beyonce's "Single Ladies". ONDY sets his laptop to the side. Walks across the stage and taps a RANDOM GUY in the crowd as well as the ASIAN GIRL and the three of them move to the center of the stage. Three spotlights come up and they begin the
At the end of the song, ONDY returns to his post and begins typing once again, now with a sly smile on his face as the party continues.
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